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  • Wow super, j'adore le cockpit aussi. C'est quoi cette selle, une Cinelli introuvable? Pas hyper fan de la tige de selle cependant.

  • A Polish bandit for your viewing pleasure. Both the frameset and the wheels were made in Szczecin - the former circa '92 by Lech Rychtarski, the latter by Jarosław Zieliński also around that time. There were four of these framesets/bikes made for the Legia Warsaw cycling club and they were used during the 10th Military Cycling Championships of 1992, as well as many national events, one of which (in 93) Legia won riding these very bikes.

    I built it up using an almost complete 1st gen Campag Chorus groupset, except the shifters and the headset. Originally, these bikes were equipped with Campag Victory shifters and an Edco headset, so I decided to leave them as a reminder of what the original setup looked like. Wheels are made of kevlar and facade polystyrene (I'm dead serious), tribars are Czechoslovakian Kuboj, and the saddle is a NOS Isca Tornado Tour.

    More photos can be found on my Flickr:


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